I feed my dogs Nutrisource Grain-Inclusive kibble and supplement with some raw food. I rotate the protein each time I buy a new bag. I do not feed puppy food unless my puppies are struggling to gain weight. Both Nurtisource and FirstMate are All Life Stages food which is very helpful when feeding multiple dogs, no need to spend extra on puppy food.
Nutrisource Dog Food:​
FirstMate High Performance for Active Dogs and Puppies
I have not been able to find this formula online but I have found it in smaller pet stores including Mud Bay, All The Best Pets, and Sam's Cats & Dog's Naturally​
I have tried out a ton of supplements for my dogs. My go to, everyday supplements are a simple "multivitamin" powder that includes a probiotic and then fish oil. All other supplements I use as needed but not generally for daily feeding.
For Growing Puppies:
I like to add a high quality Vitamin C (Wholistic Organics Immune Boost) to help with growth and immune support. Also Suregrow 100 tablets I give to my puppies starting at 8 weeks until they're about 7-9 months old.
If I'm trying to build or recover muscle on my dogs I feed MYOS. This is not one I feed all the time but when I have a dog involved in a high impact sport like dock diving I'll feed it while getting my dog in shape for the season or post surgery.
Other Supplements:​
*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This page may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.