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  • Puppy Backpack :
    Great for hiking/walks before puppy is old enough to do the distance on their own. Also great for keeping them off the ground and away from people who might flood the cute puppy with attention.

  • Puppy Stroller :
    I got my first stroller this past year when raising a puppy for a breeder friend. This was an AMAZING tool for socializing the puppy while maintaining disease control and preventing the puppy from being overload by people wanting to pet, touch, get in the puppy's face. Usually I'd just leave the puppy home when I knew I was going into these situations but this allowed the puppy to not miss out on the exposure but they weren't overloaded/overwhelmed. The added benefit was the stroller was a very similar experience to a soft crate. Puppy gets to learn from a very young age to settle in a soft crate even in chaotic environments.​

  • Coolaroo Elevated Bed :
    My dogs love these beds. It's one of the few they consistently use. They also love to play on them and are great for place training. I have several in the house and backyard. Easy to clean, I usually just hose them down. 

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This page may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

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